RN School is a prototype.

An Alphabet Schools protocol's are unwritten, but they need to be written. We aren't exclusive. Choose a letter or two and start a school!

I hope to be able to work together with friends on something big

I've had a friend who I admire. He's reached out during this last week of my unemployment to give feedback on the website, and generally be supportive. His name is tom_shwartz

He hasn't expressed interest in running a school. Instead he's crushing nursing school, employment, and keeping up a very active whitewater kayaking schedule.

Tom would be a great person to meet with for life advice. If you're looking for a month of a grind to get in to a health habit, or rewrite some unhelpful hardwiring your head, Tom is your man. He is so wise.

I think people would find the most value from working with him for a month on their way to being an RN. Tom would let you know what's ahead, and help you grind out the hardest aspects of it so that you can succeed in the medical field.

I'll attempt to sell a month of his services for $5000. It's less of a market test, and more of an example of how an instructor who has expressed interest in running a school would start their school. All it takes is knowing the route, and meeting regularly with students to make sure they are still on that route. We'd also be looking to have frequent discussions with them to deepen their understanding.